Melondipity’s All-Star Collection: Our Best Baby Sports Hats
Sports fanatics unite! Whether it’s basketball or football, baseball or soccer, we’ve got a full line of hats for future athletes and we can’t wait to share them with you. Melondipity offers a variety of unique pieces to fit every style and these all-star hats are sure to be a grand slam!

For many American families, football is a staple. Whether you’re watching a high school football game on a Friday night or rooting for the family’s favorite team on Sunday afternoon, this hat is perfect for your future baller! Pairing the navy-blue fabric with a light brown grosgrain ribbon band and footballs all around, this hat is sure to land you in the end zone. Made especially for sunny days at the park, this hat has a wide brim to keep your baby boy’s sensitive skin from unnecessary sun exposure. Made from breathable cotton and coming complete with a Velcro chin strap to keep the cap secured, this is the ideal hat for any football loving family member ages 3-12 months, 12-24 months, and 2-4T.

Get your little girl started early and have her wearing her football pride right from the beginning! Melondipity offers this pink or white newborn cap with a feminine football patch for football families that just really love the sport. Made in the United States, this newborn hat is crafted from authentic hospital grade 2-ply fabric to ensure that your baby is free from discomfort and snug as a bug! Traditional hospital hats are often stitched with a rectangular shape but this cap is made with a rounded top for maximum coziness. Touchdown!

If you’re a baseball family, this blue and white striped newborn hat is a homerun! Made from hospital grade sterile fabric, this cap features a 2” chenille baseball patch on the front, declaring your boy’s love for the sport! Made with 2-ply fabric for double the warmth and double the comfort, this newborn hat also has rounded edges to guarantee a great fit for your new little boy. Handmade in the United States, this cap glorifies America’s pastime and does so fashionably. Take us out to the ball game, we’re ready with this hat!
If you’re more interested in layups and foul shots, we’ve got this same cap, complete with all the same great features, with a basketball patch.

For the future soccer all-star in your family, we’ve got the ideal cap for their debut! Boy or girl, this gender neutral cap works for any soccer star and is made from 100% authentic hospital grade sterilized fabric. Pure white with a soccer ball patch in front, this puts the sport at the top of mind – literally! Made with 2-ply fabric, this cap is designed to ensure that your baby is comfy and cozy.
No matter the sport, we’ve got the hat to fit the occasion. For every future athlete, every future sports fanatic and every family that will be in the bleachers supporting them, Melondipity has got high-quality sports that are sure to score. Follow us on social media for our newest releases and visit us at to see our full selection of sports caps.