Universal Event Tracking

Over (SUN) Protective Mom

As the owner of Melondipity.com I obviously have a love for baby hats and fashionable baby head wear. Since the day our daughter Mia was born she has always been adorned with adorable hats and headbands. One of the reasons she is usually wearing a baby hat or headband is because we are still waiting for her hair to come! :) Another reason is because whenever we have been out on the town people would comment “what an adorable baby boy you have” (even when she was wearing pink). I started accessorizing our little baby with hats and headbands and she just looked so darn cute I couldn’t stop!
Recently our little baby has turned one! At daycare she has moved to the big girl room which she is really enjoying because she is playing with her friends and doing fun activities all day long. When the daycare told that Mia will be playing on the playground now twice a day my immediate thought was about the strong south Florida sun. Mia has such fair skin and she is always wearing sun screen and a sun hat whenever we go outside. I asked them if other babies or children wear sunhats on the playground and I was surprised to hear that the answer was no! They understand how I feel about sun protection and with one look at Mia they can see she needs a little extra so every day on the playground Mia transforms into a little fashion diva in her sun hats. Now she can play and have fun under the strong Florida sun and I can relax……..well about her sun exposure at least!

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